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Estimated genome size:

1O meters (height)

Organism size:

1O meters (height)


Schotia brachypetala occurs in warm dry areas in bushveld, deciduous woodland and scrub forest most often on the banks of rivers and streams or on old termite mounds at lower altitudes from around Umtata in the Eastern Cape, through KwaZulu Natal, Swaziland, Mpumalanga, Northern Province and into Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

PromethION Sequencing Report:


86.11 Gigabases

Approximate N50:

12.38 kilobases

Draft Genome Assembly Statistics:

Genome Length:

1333.64 Gigabases

BUSCO completeness score (single and duplicated genes):

98.4% [S85.2%, D:13.2%]


Schotia brachypetala an exceptional ornamental tree and has a number of other uses including medicine, food, timber and as a dye. The seeds are edible after roasting, and although low in fat and protein they have a high carbohydrate content. Both the Bantu-speaking people and the early European settlers and farmers are said to have roasted the mature pods and eaten the seeds, a practice which they learned from the Khoikhoi. The timber was chiefly used in wagon making.

Sample Contributor contact details

Thabang Makola
South African National Biodiversity Institute



Estimated genome size:

592 million DNA base pairs (0.592 Gigabases)

Organism size:

2 meters (height)


The distribution extends from the coast of Namaqualand to the Cape Peninsula and eastwards to Port Alfred. In its natural state it grows not far from the sea and is often a common constituent of the vegetation on coastal sand dunes.

PromethION Sequencing Report:


26.03 Gigabases

Approximate N50:

15.76 kilobases

Salvia africana-lutea

Wild sage

Species Card Details

Draft Genome Assembly Statistics:

Genome Length:

0.49 Gigabases

BUSCO completeness score (single and duplicated genes):

99.3% [S:91.3%, D:8.0%]


The flowers of this South African endemic plant contain a lot of sweet nectar which attracts bees, butterflies and moths, and acts as an essential food supply for sunbirds, particularly when proteas are not flowering. The plant makes an excellent tea for coughs, colds, bronchitis and related ailments. The leaves are lovely for use in potpourri as they retain their shape, colour and much of their fragrance, and mix well with other ingredients.

Sample Contributor contact details

Thabang Makola
South African National Biodiversity Institute

Photo credit:

© T. Makola

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