1KSA Terms of Use
Data Access and Use
The 1KSA project stores all sequencing data (pod5, FASTQ, and fasta) on a secure platform through NICIS-DIRISA. You, the sample contributor, will receive a copy of your data and are free to use and re-analyse it (non-exclusively) for three years. If you wish to publish research using the raw data, you must obtain permission from the 1KSA Data Access Committee (DAC). The DAC reviews all data access requests and ensures responsible research practices using the principles of Open Science and Open Data.
Acknowledgements and Open Science
We encourage you to follow Open Science principles by sharing your research results openly. Please acknowledge the 1KSA project, DIPLOMICS, DIRISA, and the DSI in all presentations and publications using your data.
Reporting and Publicity
DIPLOMICS may request information about your research progress, such as publications, funding obtained, and trained students, to which you must comply. DIPLOMICS may also publicise the sequencing of your samples in reports and media channels.
The follow acknowledgement statements can be used:
“The authors acknowledge draft genome sequencing provided by the 1KSA project (www.1KSA.org.za) with support provided by DIPLOMICS through the South African Department of Science and Innovation’s South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap (SARIR). The National Integrated Cyber Infrastructure System (NICIS) is acknowledged for 1KSA data management and curation through the Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) and for 1KSA draft genome analysis using the Centre High Performance Computer (CHPC)”
Intellectual Property and Benefit Sharing
You (the sample contributor) and/or your institution own any intellectual property (IP) developed from the draft genome assembly, such as patents or inventions. However, we recognise that South Africa's biodiversity is a national resource, and the 1KSA project was funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) through the SARIR programme and DIPLOMICS. To share the benefits of this research, a portion of any royalties earned from commercially valuable IP will be contributed to the 1KSA Education Program. This program, established by DIPLOMICS, aims to promote biodiversity genomics education in South Africa. You and/or your institution are responsible for tracking any commercially valuable IP and contributing to the program as needed.